Vista Las Palmas Neighborhood Organization
Annual General Membership Meeting (AGMM)
All are welcome. It’s a great way to stay informed about “all things VLPNO.” This is your neighborhood. Please reach out and share within the community, especially with new residents to make sure that they’re aware of our organization and our annual meeting. The more people who get involved, the better it is for all of us.
Given the resounding success of last year’s on-line broadcast, once again we are hosting our Annual General Membership meeting (AGMM) virtually. We have moved the regularly scheduled AGMM to the first Saturday in December in order to accommodate Guest Speakers' schedule.
Date: Saturday, December 4th, 2021
Time: 10:00-11:30am PST
Location: MSTeams* Virtual Meeting
MSTeams meeting details will be sent to those who RSVP with intent to participate virtually.
The virtual VLPNO AGMM will be preceded by an in person Year End Social hosted by the VLPNO on the afternoon of Sunday, November 21st. You will receive a separate invite for the in person Social event.
Vista Las Palmas Neighborhood Organization Annual General Membership Meeting
10:00-11:30am: General Meeting, Presentations and Election
Introductions: Board of Directors
Annual Report of Activities
Financial Report: 2021 Overall Profit & Loss, 2022 Budget
Modernism Week VLPNO Home Tour: 2022 Update
VLPNO Fund Raiser
Membership Drive: Block Ambassador
Other Guests: TBD
2022 Initiatives – Call for Volunteers!
VLPNO Social: Sunday, November 21st
Candidate Introductions & Election of Members to the Board of Directors
Election Results / Closing Remarks
We will open the call 15 minutes before to allow neighbors to join the call.
*NOTE: Anyone with a business or consumer email account, such as Microsoft 365, Outlook, Gmail, or others, can participate as a guest in Teams with full access to team chats, meetings, and files. We will also provide a conference call dial in phone number and access code.